Monday, August 11, 2014

Monday Morning

Okay I have been living under a rock. So will somebody please tell me what is going on with amazon and our top authors? I know I should have paid more attention but last week  I was very tired.

Authors tell us what you know and think of this topic today.
Also someone asked me last week if I was wearing something in my hair that day. I hadn’t so far that day but put a headband in after this question was asked.

Now of course I want to know what everyone is reading? 

I am reading MURDER YOUR DARLINGS which is a mystery series by JJ Murphy and Darlings is referred to as manuscripts. It is about Dorothy Parker and the alongorian round table of authors. Southern newcomer young man Billy Faulkner (William) has been accused of murder. Dorothy knows better and so the authors, editors etc….will prove the cops wrong.


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Review: A Skeleton in the Family by Leigh Perry


By Leigh Perry

After accepting a job as an adjunct professor at the local college. Georgia Thackery and her daughter temporarily move into her parent home. It’s been vacant for a while as her parents are on sabbatical out of the country. Madison and Georgia have at least a year before they are to return.

 The trouble starts when Sid who lives in the attic and has lived in the attic since saving Georgia’ life when she was six years old at a carnival from a very scary man. He came to live with Georgia and her family because they were so grateful he saved their daughter. Sid doesn’t remember much about his murder or his past.

However when he see a woman in a crowd he knows she is a woman from his past and is very important to him. The real problem is that the woman is murdered before she can answer any questions. This would have been bad enough but put together with the fact they do not know Sid’s real name or where his skeleton comes from and the hunt it on.

There are numbers in skull so that is where the hunt begins but it ends up being a twist road to the truth of who Sid is, why he was murdered and when other happenings occur like their house being broken into and a close friend being hit in the back of the head. Time feels as though it’s running out. Even though Sid is dead it appears someone is trying to conceal the truth and they will stop at nothing to accomplish their task.

What a fun and great read in this series. I dragged reading this book out because I enjoyed it so much and really Sid I am in love with already and to tell you the truth I couldn’t enjoy a mystery more.



Monday, August 4, 2014

Gust Blogger - Alice Duncan

Termites Ate My Blog

Oh . . . very well, termites didn’t eat my blog. But they ate my bathroom floor, and I had to have a new one put in, and the disruption in the household turned me into a basket case, and I didn't write a July blog. I regret to admit that I'm easily upset. I think it's because I’m old and set in my ways and like things to stay the way they are. Just the wieners and me in this dumpy little house, editing, writing, eating, and walking (well we all do the last two. I do the first two by myself).
Shoot. I honestly didn’t realize what a slave to routine I was until termites ate my bathroom floor. But everything’s better now, including the bathroom. Good thing it’s a small one or the termites might have eaten the whole house (the issue being money):

Not only that, but a new Daisy Gumm Majesty book, DARK SPIRITS, was released in July, and I darned near missed it! I’ll be giving away copies of DARK SPIRITS at the end of August. If you’d like to enter to win a copy, send me your name and home address at

Link to Amazon

I’ll be in touch with the folks who won copies of RESTLESS SPIRITS individually. Sorry I’m so late.
Things are back to normal now. I have too much work to do, too many dogs to care for, and still live in the Middle of Nowhere. But at least I have a new bathroom. And a new book out! And, to add to the excitement, I’m in a running battle with the local newspaper (which is really, really bad, but it’s the only game in town). It’s odd how a good fight can perk a person up J

Please visit my web site ( and my Facebook page ( Thanks!

Friday, August 1, 2014

If Today....

If today starts the rest of your life. What has your previous life before now said about you? Mine says that I have always been a reader.

Also things have been an uphill climb for me. This means from climbing trees, to driving uphill, to facing down many challenges in my life.

My favorite decade was the 90’s and I love certain decades in history more than others.

On a girly frilly note I have always loved to wear something in my hair. Headbands, combs, flower and many other things.

Now for today being a grandmother has its rewards. I can go thru another childhood. Also this week at my daughter’s house I have had more adventures than I lived the past ten years.

I’d say I am getting younger and older all at the same time.

So my motto is do not get in a rut. Live, live and live some more.


Review: Blotto, Twinks and the Intimate Review by Simon Brett

Blotto and his friend go see  Light and Frothy;   a new popular show and his friend falls for the star of the show.  After his friend is k...