Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Review: Blotto, Twinks and the Intimate Review by Simon Brett

Blotto and his friend go see  Light and Frothy;  a new popular show and his friend falls for the star of the show.  After his friend is kidnapped, Blotto and his brilliant sister Twinks start investigating and Twinks goes undercover.  Multiple twists and a lot of laughs, this is a very satisfying read.

One of the things I struggled with at first was the crazy slang of Blotto and his friends.  That said, it was like a delicious romp through a bygone era and Aristocracy that no longer exists in the same way.  
As for the crimes - funny schemes and ways to make easy money - until the master plan goes forward.  A crazy plan to be sure, but one very amusing and leading to a satisfying take down.

Very fun!

Review: Blotto, Twinks and the Intimate Review by Simon Brett

Blotto and his friend go see  Light and Frothy;   a new popular show and his friend falls for the star of the show.  After his friend is k...