Monday, September 12, 2016

Review: Need by Joelle Charbonneau

In Notttawa, High school students receive requests to join
NEED, a new social networking site.  They get to ask for something they need and then they are requested to complete a task and then what they asked for is provided (not always in the way they expect).  Soon all the students are participating and some are getting new iPods and other goodies.  Then the tasks they are asked to do become darker and some kids are dying.

The main character, Kaylee, asks for something that is truly a need (not a want) - a kidney for her sick brother.  What it will take for that to happen is worse than she could have imagined.

This is a wonderful story told from the point-of-view of many of the teens.  It makes you think of the differences between wants and true needs and what people are willing to do under the cloak of anonymity.  I loved this book.  It made me think while enjoying the ride.

The big question of WHY?  who is behind it, is very unexpected.


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