Wednesday, March 31, 2010

In Plain Sight

Series Television: IN PLAIN SIGHT
Season One/Netflix Series

Mary Shepherd and her partner aptly named Marshall are U.S. Marshalls and they are assigned the branch of witness protection. mary can't tell her family what she actually does so they think she mostly spends her time at the courthouse and eats donuts. Speaking of family mary's mother loves to drink and her sister while cute can be trouble with a capitol T and if that isn't enough her boyfriend Rafe is sooo good looking but at times he doesn't think before he tells mary what he thinks....
Marshall her partner is tall and lanky and has the innocence of the boy next door and wry sense of humor.
When the series starts in season one we have a young college student who is native american and she is murdered she has her heart cut out. Another epissode had mary protecting a witness who is getting married and mary gets to be her bridesmaid which has her wearing one of the worst bridesmaid dresses on the face of the earth. Her witness is a gold digging slut with a heart of gold but is more trouble and headache than Mary likes to allow a witness to be.
There is also a father whose son is murdered and the father is a spoprano wanna be but as bad as he is it's his wife that is even maybe a little more unhinged than him. Then we also have an epiosode where there is a diabetic smart assed witness who they are hiding that gets marshall shot and Mary has to save Marshall's life and protect the witness. Talk about being boxed in it's one surprise after another with this witness.
To top it all off mary has a birthday and her mother gives a what is supposed to b a surprise party and her sister gets her feelings hurt.
I love this series and right from the start you know Mary is gutsy, smart and dysfuntional and so is her family.
Pamela James

1 comment:

  1. I love this show. Mary is stubborn and annoying at times, but you gotta respect her. Marshall is a hoot, especially his observations on everything you can think of. The new season starts again tonight and I have the DVR set...



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