Monday, April 29, 2013

What would you say?

What Would You Say?


What would you say to the friends and relatives that have passed on before you about the difference they have made in your life? 


I mean the daily difference and what would you say to them about how they have changed you or that how their passing has changed you?


I would thank my grandma Dorothy for her belief in me and for filling in as a mother figure. I would thank my mother for letting me get to know the lighter side of her personality before she passed away. I would thank her for the time we had together after my stepdad passed away and we both felt a little more free to be us.


Anyway what would you say?




1 comment:

  1. I would slap Yowie for not letting me know how bad it had gotten, then I would hug Bubba and Jim and thank them for their gentleness.


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